文章出处,原创于 https://HawkingOuYang.github.io/


For Dream

Dream floats on the sky.

We are the runners after it,

Over the meadow,

Across the mountains.

Accompanied by the stars,

And burnt by the sun.

One stops half way,

Not that he is afraid,

But he has spared no pains nor efforts,

And has fought against himself,

Like a warrior.

Note someone would go on after that dream,

Right in the way he directed.

And when he reached that high,

His dream would also be realized.


走, let me enjoy the sea

独自看海。 in my unique way alone !

脚印一个一个, let me walk step by step

弯弯曲曲、由浅到深, with inexperience and immaturities from time to time.

小心留意那些虔诚:And treasure the kindness I run into.

拾起贝壳,唱出快乐。 Later, pick up the seashells to collect happiness inside,

蹲下画沙,书写悲伤。 But also describe my sorrow on the sands.

听海浪一声高一声低: Or listen to the sea waves laugh loudly and smoothly,

宛如生命的交响; Just like the symphonic music of human‘s life.

而那潮起潮落呢? Or else,witness the tides remaking the

轻轻抚平沙滩,腐烂贝壳。 Sands and rotting the shells.

看那些脚印吧, Looking back at the footsteps,

我想, I am thinking that

倘若卓越无法触及, If only I could touch greatness deep inside,

回忆变成腐烂的贝壳。 If only the memories and little things were still alive.

我会期待,期待日出: Neverthless, I shall except for the sunrise

半边天—太阳露出红色的脸。 when sun shows her smile.

而脚印慢慢变大, I can walk bravely into a bright funtre,

一直往前走。 A future I have long been fighting for.

Difference Four years at school that have passed, during which classmates were mostly playing games of Stealing Cabbage firstly, Rush Parking secondly, Killers Of Three Kingdoms(SGS) thirdly, and League Of Legends(LOL) lastly, with love story lingering, even love affairs gossiping; But among these exists buddies nerdy, they are exploring and discovering, learning and studying, to go beyond limitations of family birth both genetically and of economy. Two years since that, they move on and on. If they can not make a difference, then who will?
偷菜,抢车位,三国杀,英雄联盟,四年前,正当众人遍历四大游戏 或 缠绵悱恻 或 流言蜚语;他们孜孜以求,试图从不可抗拒的自然出生背景中突出重围。至今又二载,初心不变。莫属莫属。

强者,何来? “Be NOT afraid of greatness— some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”, as an earnest advice is told, obviously, I am destined to be the third kind. Pessimism is negative, which weakens everyday energy. Peace of heart, harmony of soul, and freedom of mind inspire creativities and innovations. What are sentences(i.e. 句子,判决) that encourage me sooo. We need words like these, straightforward to the point. China lost a giant step upon that, when compared with the west, which results from the lack of enlightenments, inheritances, and mentors that cause a tough way to top for young generations nowadays. Limitations of our nation need going beyond. ~@理性派(OYXJ)


因素 在iOS开发中,英语和数学都很重要的:英语可以广泛触及开源技术和新技术;数学是算法的基础,大学考研的专业课是信号与系统,研究方向是数字信号处理或者图像处理,但是考研失败了,希望未来,在iOS开发的路上,可以继续研究“数字信号处理或者图像处理”。

总体要求:Aiming high while down to the earth. (志存高远,埋头苦干)


大学的专业是“电子信息科学与技术”(硬件),大一,我帮着同学们做C语言的作业 一般都有20份作业,最多时40份作业,每份作业20题(选择题、填空题、简答题),5到10分钟做完。大二到大四一直用英语写日记,学习国外公开课。C语言和英语,奠定了 “iOS开发” 的基础。学了一点点C++。

说来有点遗憾,大学学得太宽泛:哲学(哈弗《公正课》、哈佛《幸福课》、康德、边沁)、心理学(弗洛姆、弗洛伊德)、文学(泰戈尔、罗素、梭罗、培根)、TED、耶鲁(《金融市场》、《博弈论》) 等等。导致:其一 考研 没成功,其二 大学没空谈恋爱。


[Bye] I know nothing to say, guys in Qzone are mostly boring or showing off. Even that ‘Good things never die, they last, and they refresh. 美好不会逝去,Ta们持久,并且历久常新.’, time has come. I am fatigued by the tedious or restless Words online. It’s time to retreat, to talk to friends via phone, and MIP, to do my own business.

Aiming high while down to the earth. MOVE Now!! ….MmmmOooVvE

[Boss & Leader] Years ago I read words that say: “You do not have to know everything to be a Boss. Likewise, you do not have to do everything to be a leader.” Note that neither a boss nor a leader am I implying, which sounds like self-centered stuff. But now, really, I’ve got to bite every bit of the Code. Tired me out !

Nothing is going wrong, but I am not sleepy at midnight, maybe it is the unrest dream trying to depart from my still seated soul.

May God bless my dream. Hoping that with my intelligence, diligence and good luck, my dream and destiny shall meet and cheer.

[From Dream to Destiny]
Each of us is given a dream by God, a notion that sets our hearts racing by the mere thought of it. Unfortunately, most people never see their dream come to pass, so they never fulfill the destiny that God has in store.

Totally mess up ! No time for traveling. Nor photographing, nor handwriting, nor reading. Some day, I will get them all one by one.

[祈祷] To God that I pray each night,for the unyielding belief that : (1) Luckier are the diligent; (2)With the born fairness or unfairness, Grow; (3) Love, work, and live, as never-hurted, as non-monetary, and as if won’t die. 我夜夜祈祷上苍,持不屈信念:越勤奋越幸运;公平或不公,练就茁壮; 爱,似无伤;劳,若无求;活,如曙光。

Child Is The Father Of Man. Trust Is Like A Child, When You Throw Him In Air And He Laughs, Because He Knows You Will Catch Him Again.

When you are too tired, just sing a song, and sunshine will come along.




[一些改变] Thanks for A guided tour by Mis.Tone @Weiming Lake of PKU. Inspired and cheered, I should change the way that things goes wrong. Travelling or reading without observing and reflection is like eating without digesting. ( Ref. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peking_University ) 改变自己,从头开始。


感恩:感恩传统行业,没有传统行业的支持,我们互联网行业的从业人员,基本的生活都得不到保障:衣着,饮食,居住,出行;感恩用户,如果用户不使用互联网产品,我们互联网行业的从业人员的劳动成果都将付诸东流,感谢用户的鼓励、批评 和 反馈,让我们的产品越来越好;感谢团队的合作,一个人再强也无法完成一个产品,时间精力和能力都是有限的。






Fate > Destiny > Karma

Original: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110204231953AAAgCzI

Is there a difference between fate, destiny and karma?
Think about it asked 3 years ago

Are either controlled 100% through free will? What exactly is their difference? I’d think your fate is based on past good/bad actions just like karma is, and destiny too…what exactly is the difference other than the physical words, of these three concepts?
Additional Details
What is quantum dynamics, and I’m not clear what exactly destiny means as compared to fate.
3 years ago

Best Answer Asker’s Choice
Bobby answered 3 years ago
Fate is out of your hands and basically describes the situation of predetermination. Think Greek tragedy. What must be, will be irrespective of your personal input. The only control an individual has is their own emotional response. Your action don’t make a difference to the outcome (NO CONTROL).

Destiny is the concept that there exists a specific predetermined goal that you are bound to fulfill provided you don’t besmirch it by under preforming. You do have a degree of personal input, and this must be exercised at key moments if you ever expect to reach your potential. The goal is understood, the problem for the destined is working out just what these key moments are and when they may occur along the path there. As a result it is best to consistently over preform to deserve the right to attain it. For instance, the classic concept of the hero is usually very subject to the rules of destiny. Your actions (or lack here of) can make a difference to the outcome (SEMI-CONTROL).

Karma is the idea of universal balance. Your actions are part of the universe and so must be balanced for the good of cyclic equilibrium. When you do something bad somewhere down the line you should expect to be repaid in full and visa verse. Basically, you have to think of your life(s) as a giant double entry profit and loss ledger … in the end all must balance. Your past actions actually dictate the nature of future outcomes (CONTROL).

Asker’s rating & comment
Great answer,thank you.

As for me,believe in God & look to myself。
Laura Story , a songwriter from US, really helps me a lot in getting close to God.
It is a creed to me: believe in God & look to myself.
And I can feel the power thru. Laura Story.
Her songs: Blessings Grace
and lyrics: Laura Story Lyrics

Hope and Memory

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things,
and good things never die, they last, and they refresh.
Memory, too, is a good thing,
whether happiness or sadness, they both are part of life.
Still remember the poem that we learn at high school ?
If by life you were deceived,
Don’t be wild, don’t be dismal.
In the day of grief, be mild.
Merry day will come, believe.
Present is dejected here.
Heart is always living in tomorrow.
In a moment, passes sorrow.
That which passes will be dear.
As you have been doing for years. Go for it, to be better.
Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift,
that’s why it is called the present.
Everything good will come.